8 am arrive to work EARLY
8-8:20 am Eat apple and check email, clean messy work area
8:20-9:30 am animate on SIN DESTROYERS christmas video for Andy and Adam
9:31- still not finished the work I promised....9:32-9:45 feel mass amounts of guilt, but decide to move on with the day.
9:45-10:00 get the work ready for the stop motion animators working on the frangelico spot.
10:00 - 10:30 surf the web, check friend's blogs, check out some francis bacon paintings and William Glackens drawings online.
10:30 Melissa assigns me to a character design job, 2 characters, 2 styles all due by tomorrow at 11 am
10:35-11:00 Procrastinate , clean work area some more...pay bills online, chat with Dave, Eric and Sally.
11:00-11:15 - Check out Stephen Silver's blog for inspiration, a near daily ritual.
11:15- 12:15- scribble on my cintiq tablet, starting to design characters, (inspirations were char #1 John Goodman, fat, friendly ; char #2 sexy, has been athlete that would appeal to women , men and children., and has to be char #1's younger brother.)
12:15-1:15 Lunch. Udon (Japanese soup with Udon noodles and fresh vegetables)
1:15-3:30 Nothing.......nothing is happening, starting to pull out my hair, thankfully I have lots.
3:30 -4:00 coffee break, stare at distant building, run into Connie from Digital Kitchen, cash check from Gov. of Canada from Apr. 2005. (60 CDN = 51 US)
relief sets in having just payed bills at 10:45 am. account back to normal.
4:00-5:30 Finally, appealing shapes are beginning to form, most accidental but I go with them.
5:30 Moss and Melissa dig the characters, approve them for Clean up (and Coloring to be done the next day if there's time.)
5:30-8:00 pm Clean up designs, Satisfied that they will be included in Thursday's pitch session, but wishing I had more time to do a better job.
I guess I'm never satisfied with any finished animated scene, character or sketch, but that's what keeps us pushing our drawing and animation though, correct?
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