Dave, Chris, Andre and I braved the cold and walked from Dave's apartment in the village to the St. Elisabeth Pub. I sketched the people around me as usual. Post it notes can absorb a few drops of beer, but not quite like water color paper so don't use too much, besides it's so tasty why would you want to waste it on your drawing- I recommend a darker beer and a brown ink brush pen like this one.
The couple was on their first date, I'm guessing. As one left for the bathroom and the other remained- they would inevitably look at their cellular telephone. Maybe it was giving them first date advice , I really don't know.
these are good! i like the effect of beer on post-it with brush pen. tres chic. regarding the first date- the girl was probably texting a friend perhaps to reassure than an emergency phone call would not be needed. but really, who knows? also, why am i the only one commenting these days??
thanks! she probably was texting her friend or her next date. who knows?
I do this blog thing for the joy of sharing my art- comments or not, but much appreciated!
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