I didn't know Grant Sligh all that well, but I did have the pleasure of working with him on a couple of occasions and having a few cold ones with him many times. It's real sad when a fellow animator passes away at such a young age, and the reason I'm bringing his name up is that I want people to know that he was a real stand up guy. Even though I'm pretty sure he blocked my email at some point, he always had such nice things to say to me, he would always say..."you're still at the lab , eh? well....you could go anywhere you wanted to...you're fucking skilled man.., or was it, "you're foookin' skeeld " . He was fucking skilled. I'll miss you, Grant.
I just found out he died from a friend. Grant was a wiz in flash and my seatmate at work for 4 months. He was so excited when he was looking to buy a "scooteur" he'd show me all of the ones he was considering. I haven't seen Grant in a few years, but he'll be missed.
i am grant sligh mother and i miss him very much he was a good son and a great animator he spoke his mind , he had problems in which i never knew about so if you have a friend who has a problem let his family know so it wont be to late to give help i miss his smile . his laugh. his hugs , his determation for life . thankyou grant for 38 years of love mum
I am Grants friend from Greenock Scotland. I have made a tribute to him on you-tube. I hope you all like it http: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqsBkmuYkec
God Blees-ye weeman....
kenny b...
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